Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Z E O: A Zombie's Guide to Getting A(Head) in Business" by Scott Kenemore

"Z E O: A Zombie's Guide to Getting A(Head) in Business"
by Scott Kenemore
Published bySkyhorse Publishing Inc. (2009)
254 pages

I have for some reason been on a zombie kick with most of my reading,  I love the movies and now the books are becoming quite fun to read.  The books I've found conatain anything from horror to comedy to a mix of both.  When it comes to the humorous side of zombies, Scott Kenemore has become my favorite writer, so far.  Scott knows his zombie encyclopedia inside and out and in every book he makes reference to nearly every zombie movie made, including some of the ones I thought I was the only one who saw them.

This time around I read one of Scott's earlier writings (earlier by only a couple of years but he has been busy in his short career.  He is the author of the horror novel Zombie, Ohio (2011) and several zombie-themed satires, including: "The Zen of Zombie: Better Living Through the Undead" (2007), "The Art of Zombie Warfare" (2010), "The Code of the Zombie Pirate" and "Zombies vs. Nazis" (2011).  In this book "Z.E.O..." Scott tells how you can take the path of a zombie and become successful in business.  Let me tell you you may be surprised this book actually has some good ideas, except for the eating brains part, but Scott writes how brains can be loosely translated to destroying the competition, rewards for a job well done and more.

It's funny, Scott Kenemore mentions that everyone from sports stars to military commanders have written books about how to become successful in the business world and professionals actually heed their advice, so why not zombies?  So a military commander can wipe out bases with missles how does this make him able to run a business?  So Tiger Woods and C.E.O.s make a lot of money, but the similarities stop there. Tiger Woods can be stopped by knee surgery, lightning on the course and, occasionally, Vijay Singh.  But a zombie is stopped only by a gunshot straight to the head or decapitation.  Makes sense.

But seriously,  this book is full of fun comparisons to the ways of the zombie and how business should work, but it also offers up some pretty sound advice, such as:  Do it your way.  A zombie's pace is slow and steady but every time it gets the job done.  Slow and steady and done right the first time every time.  Zombie time management, don't get distracted by gossip at the water cooler, or knick-knacks in your cubicle, when someone tries to distract you just moan and shamble on to your task.  There are a lot more of these great ideas all intermingled with very funny anecdotes as to how they are all traits of zombies.

The book is divided into two parts with the first part of how to become a zombie power in the work force and the second part a one year plan to become a um I mean... Z.E.O.  Humor and common sense all rolled into one with this very interesting and entertaining book by Scott Kenemore.

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