Monday, November 29, 2010

"The Phantom Patrol" by L. Ron Hubbard

"The Phantom Patrol"
by L. Ron Hubbard
Multi-cast performance
Produced by Galaxy Audio

Once again it's time to dive into the stories from the golden age with a sea adventure from L. Ron Hubbard. This time around the motto is "Semper Paratus" (Always Ready), that's right we've got a Coast Guard adventure. With this story Hubbard has thrown in some rescues, pirates, drug runners and of course a dame for the hero to fall in love with.

As is usual with the Galaxy Audio productions, you will be swept away on this sea adventure, through the superb voice acting, sound effects and music. All these combine to create an audio version of a pulp fiction piece, an audio pulp, or better yet a leap back to the radio shows from days of old. Good times to be had.

This story was originally published in "Five-Novels Monthly," January 1935, and tells the story of Chief Petty Officer Johnny Trescott and how he attempts a rescue, gets captured by drug runners/pirates, escapes and tries to save face.

While out chasing down a notorious drug runner in the Gulf of Mexico, Trescott's patrol boat gets a distress call from a downed plane that is sinking. The passengers on the private plane will lose their lives if Johnny doesn't act fast. Breaking off his chase he has the boat search for the plane. Just as he gets the plane's passengers and crew onboard and headed for safety, the drug runner ship is seen closing in, having heard the same distress call. Johnny cannot get his boat powered up to full run before the criminals board. With a bit of a fight Johnny, his crew and the rescuees are captured and taken prisoner to a small island off the coast of New Orleans. The drug runners take the stolen Coast Guard boat and use it to raid other ships in the Gulf.

Johnny plans an escape in order to bring back help, but when he arrives on base in New Orleans he is arrested for piracy. The officials think Johnny stole his own boat and is responsible for the raids. Johnny must escape another prison, capture the drug runners and come back in order to save face.

With some exciting battles and a great storyline, this sea adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat whether reading the book or listening to the audio book. Definitely some fun times.

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